The Lincoln Gap Wind Farm is a 101 wind turbine, with 10MW grid scale battery storage, project under development by Nexif Energy Australia Pty Ltd. The project is located approximately 15km to the west of Port Augusta. The site was located in 2004 by Wind Energy Solutions Pty Ltd who undertook the early development and submitted an Environmental Impact Statement in 2005. Development approval was granted in 2006 after which the site development continued.
Lincoln Gap Stage 1 consists of 35 Senvion 3.6MW wind turbines and Stage 2 consists of 24 Vestas 3.6MW wind turbines. Lincoln Gap Stage 1 commenced exporting energy to the grid in April 2019 and Stage 2 commenced exporting energy to the grid in December 2021. Stage 3 includes an additional 256MW under development.

How largeĀ is Lincoln Gap Wind Farm?
Lincoln Gap is an ideal location for a wind farm as it has an excellent wind resource and great access to the grid. With a capacity factor of around 43%, the project should export over 800,000MWh/year and using the 10MW battery storage make a significant contribution to the renewable energy target while helping with grid stability and reliability.